Next course starts: 2021 Duration: 11 weeks (Tuesday nights, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm) Pre-requisites: Piloting or Boating 4: Seamanship Location: St. Matthias Church Hall (600 Richmond Ave) Cost: $250. Register Contact the This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . |
A necessary course in advanced coastal navigation for short duration trips out of sight of land, the Advanced Piloting course will give you greater accuracy in positioning and plotting exercises, as well as adherence to standardized labeling. Your chartwork skills will be developed to standards recognized in the maritime industry.
You will be taken out of the realm of conning and visual plotting to coastal cruising out of sight of land, navigating in tidal waters, dealing with current, standing clear of danger, and determining position by visual observation or with the use of electronic devices.
Note: Advanced Piloting covers only a few topics but at an in-depth, semi-professional level. The course is not easy and requires a significant time commitment. However, upon sucessful completion you will be able to, hold your own in Piloting, with many professionals.
Subject Areas:
Charts: Chart projections, chart types, charts required for off-shore cruising. Worldwide IALA maritime buoyage system.
Compass: Compass error, deviation table, different methods for building a deviation table specific for a compass on your boat ("swinging a compass"), different types of compasses (gyro, fluxgate).
Courses, Bearings and Positions: Circles of positions, methods for determining distance off by horizontal and vertical angles, fixes by horizontal sextant angles, danger bearings, methods for pre-computing danger angles, introduction to the use of a sextant.
Electronic Navigation: GPS, waypoint navigation, Loran C, RADAR, depth sounders, other electronic equipment.
Effects of Current and Leeway: Current vectors, determination of current, using current vectors to determine estimate positions, course to steer, speed of advance,
Running Fixes: Bow and beam bearings, various methods for predicting distance off, advancing a line of position (LOP), advancing a circle of position (COP), plotting a running fix with known current.
Tides and Tidal Currents: Cause of tides, tide datum (Canada and U.S.), tidal currents, predicting current, predicting tide and slack at secondary stations.